In conjunction with Nuzul Al-Quran 1444H, Petroleum Authority of Brunei Darussalam (PA) held a religious talk on Tuesday, 18th April 2023 commemorating the event.

The event commenced with the recitation of Al-Fatihah by Yang Mulia Haji Noor Azlan bin Haji Magon, followed by a special religious talk entitled ‘Ramadhan Bulan Al-Quran’ delivered by Yang Mulia Dr Nazirul Mubin bin Ahad, Lecturer from the Faculty of Social Science Education, Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB).

The speaker began by sharing the true meaning of Nuzul Al-Quran and continued with brief history of the Al-Quran’s revelation. Importance of the event was also highlighted in relation to the significance of reading and comprehending each verse from Al-Quran in order to receive blessings (barakah) from Allah SWT.

The event also aimed to strengthen silaturrahim amongst one another while enlivening the blessed month of Ramadhan.